Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stephanie Wilson & Trevor Anderson

When: Saturday, August 6th, 2011
Where: DoubleWood Inn, Fargo, ND
1st Dance Song: "Then" by Brad Paisley

Three different wedding receptions going on here, at the Doublewood, tonight, causing a little guest confusion in the halls.  It also meant that, while we did our toasts, the room next door was blasting music already.  Not cool.  We were alright, but no one should have to give a speech with a muffled, but still loud, version of 'Shout' playing in the background.

We did some different things with our opening songs.  For her dance with her dad, Steph made up a mix: start with 'Cinderella', which suddenly rips into.  The wedding party started out fast with Usher's "DJ Got Us Falling in Love."  I followed up quickly with a surprise black light dance.  I handed out 30 or so pairs of white gloves, turned down the rest of the lights, and made it glow.  Check out the video for what I mean.  It's a great effect when used for the one song (and doesn't turn your wedding dance into a night club).

For the garter, we sold raffle tickets, then brough up eight winners who competed via musical chairs.  Cutthroat business.  Ashley won by disqualification when the other three guys all sat down without the music stopping.  They thought the music had stopped because, ironically, I got on the mic to warn them not to sit down without the music stopping.  The crowd voted them out.

Things fired right back up after the bouquet/garter, so I did a stroll:  everyone forms two lines, facing each other.  The couple on one end dance on down the middle (see the video).  You only attempt this while things are going great.  It's not really something guests will do until they trust you to be fun.