Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sarah Thoreson & Jeff Krumwiede

Sarah Thoreson & Jeff Krumwiede

When: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Where: Grand Forks Hilton
1st Dance Song: "Grow Old With You" by Andi Thoreson

Yes, that's a recording of their first dance song, performed live by her sister. Its the love song from the "Weddingsinger" movie with Adam Sandler. Andi did a wonderful job dispite my recording (not really what I'm setup for, but I try). Right Click and 'Save Link As' to download it.

And if Andi hadn't done that, this would have been my favorite moment: the ceremony recessional was Starship's "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us." (apparently a reference to her childhood passion for "Mannequin.") I even caught a little of Jeff's brother, Jason, singing it for us all. Enjoy that in the video clip along with me trying to fix her bustle with my safety pins.

The great news is that the only mishaps the entire day were earlier, before the ceremony. There was a chemical spill and fire at the UND Engineering department that diverted traffic, making arrival at the ceremony site difficult. Then the limo was two hours late, so never took Jeff or Sarah to the ceremony. However, when they left, there were two. The one they actually hired, and a second, from a company Jeff had called, but never booked because they were already full. Apparently not.

Photographer Katie Miller can tell you all about me running into things... and people. A hostess, a little boy, and Andi (the singer) all fell victim to my clumsiness tonight. Sorry guys.

Sarah's only request, her only input for the music at all.... please don't play the Chicken Dance. Everything else was entirely up to me, as long as guests were having fun.

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